Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Somehow this week I was blessed with friends that had enough faith in me and my amateur (to say the least) Photography skills to ask if I would take a few pictures of their family and I said..."As long as you understand I have no idea what I'm doing!"

It was a wonderful and only slightly anxiety inducing (I seriously can't imagine the pressure when money is involved) experience...but let me just say this...I have a whole new appreciation for the cheesy Sears Portrait know...the ones with the hand puppets and colorful feather dusters. How they keep baby smilin'...feather duster wavin'...hand puppets a dancin'...and worry about Fstops and White beyond my is not the piece of cake no brainer job I thought it was. My sincerest apologies...and I do believe there is a special place in Heaven just for you.
Capturing a baby was waaaay harder than I expected...they never stop moving! Even when they look still....they aren't. Thankfully I had big sister and my lovely assistant Maggie to make the silly noises and commit all other undignified acts that babies find utterly I was able to get a few really great shots of the little man...and his big sister...who by the way already has a serious love affair with the camera. She was way too natural at this. And it is not quite fair that she had way better ideas for this shoot than I did!
Anyhoo, I took about 3000 pictures...invaded their space for about 2 hours...and felt like I wanted to kick my camera out the window about 127 times! I seriously have so much to learn....I was CLUELESS as to how to catch real life images in someone else's life....does that make sense? I know how to catch what I'm living in here in the moment at my house...with my my world...and I was even ok with shooting an event where I am simply capturing what is taking place already...but to arrange and set a time to capture a moment...and somewhat re-create "moments" was like entering a whole new dimension of "I have no idea what I'm doing!"
And even though I felt completely inadequate for such a task, it gave me great joy to know that maybe...just maybe...I managed to capture a moment in time that they will cherish...and that alone ..well that and the big blue eyes below...seriously, has drool ever been cuter?!?!...make it just fine with me, that I am in fact... a rookie...and thanks to people like the "M" family...I may not always be.

"And whatever I do, may it always bring glory to you"

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