meet talysa

I'm Talysa. I am a 30ish Jesus Loving, Husband Adoring, Worship Leading, Photography Attempting, Coffee Guzzling, Kid Doting and Toting, Homeschool Thriving, Wife and Mom...whose every mortal breath is Grace and nothing less. I make mistakes on a daily basis. Sometimes hourly. I fail my children miserably at times and can only pray they will not be funding a psychologists retirement fund one day because of it. At times I'm nicer to the lady that hands me my sweet tea in the drive-thru than I am to my own husband. On a good day I am teacher of algorithms and helping verbs. On a bad day I am teacher of selfishness and pride. all that "mess" that I sometimes make of  my life...God sees a Masterpiece. His Masterpiece. He sees a heart that longs to please Him. He sees a story of Redemption that can be used for His Glory. He takes all of  the broken pieces and lays them into perfect place.

"He can take the fallen pieces...and lay them into perfect place. And when His work is finally will be a Mosaic of Grace" -Shelly E. Johnson's "Mosaic of Grace"

This blog was originally born out of a desire to capture the day to day moments of my children as they grow up. Scrapbooking hurts by brain so creating a virtual scrapbook of sorts seemed the less painful option for a non-crafty person like myself. It has obviously now become so much more to me than that. It has become therapy for my soul. A way to find the glorious in the mundane. A place to laugh. A place to cry. A haven for friendships. A place to be transparent. Here you will find me writing about Motherhood, Faith, our Homeschooling adventures, Photography, and every moment in between. So feel free to pour a cup of coffee, pull up a chair, and spend time here. Maybe even be inspired to find the masterpiece in your own mess...we all have one. A masterpiece that is.

**On a lighter note...Bon Jovi's "Livin on a Prayer" still makes me break out into song no matter where I am, I have a phobia of airplanes and helicopters flying over my head, an obsession with italics, love the smell of hospitals, could eat my weight in Nutella, sleep with a box fan year round, prefer Dunkin Donuts to Starbucks gasp, and still get butterflies when my husband holds my hand.

I'm so glad you are here. :-)

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