I'm Talysa. I am a 30ish Jesus Loving, Husband Adoring, Worship Leading, Photography Attempting, Coffee Guzzling, Kid Doting and Toting, Homeschool Thriving, Wife and Mom...whose every mortal breath is Grace and nothing less. I make mistakes on a daily basis. Sometimes hourly. I fail my children miserably at times and can only pray they will not be funding a psychologists retirement fund one day because of it. At times I'm nicer to the lady that hands me my sweet tea in the drive-thru than I am to my own husband. On a good day I am teacher of algorithms and helping verbs. On a bad day I am teacher of selfishness and pride.
Somehow...in all that "mess" that I sometimes make of my life...God sees a Masterpiece. His Masterpiece. He sees a heart that longs to please Him. He sees a story of Redemption that can be used for His Glory. He takes all of the broken pieces and lays them into perfect place.
This blog was originally born out of a desire to capture the day to day moments of my children as they grow up. Scrapbooking hurts by brain so creating a virtual scrapbook of sorts seemed the less painful option for a non-crafty person like myself. It has obviously now become so much more to me than that. It has become therapy for my soul. A way to find the glorious in the mundane. A place to laugh. A place to cry. A haven for friendships. A place to be transparent. Here you will find me writing about Motherhood, Faith, our Homeschooling adventures, Photography, and every moment in between. So feel free to pour a cup of coffee, pull up a chair, and spend time here. Maybe even be inspired to find the masterpiece in your own mess...we all have one. A masterpiece that is.
**On a lighter note...Bon Jovi's "Livin on a Prayer" still makes me break out into song no matter where I am, I have a phobia of airplanes and helicopters flying over my head, an obsession with italics, love the smell of hospitals, could eat my weight in Nutella, sleep with a box fan year round, prefer Dunkin Donuts to Starbucks
I'm so glad you are here. :-)