With the help of three of the cutest elves I could find, I managed to get my bake on this Christmas...and by doing so I'm sure I've managed to get my weight on as well. I'm gonna be honest here folks ...I have NO IDEA why I bake the things I do at Christmas time! Half the things I bake, no one in my house even likes...just traditions that have been passed down I suppose.
So this year I decided to lighten my baking load by ditching the
Tyler? Peanut Butter Fudge- Hands down every time
Maggie? Sugar Cookies with frosting
Aidan? Peanut Butter Crackers dipped in White Chocolate
Adam? Peanut Butter Blossoms

I was afraid I had eaten the entire pan of these all by my lonesome...but my sister reassured me that she had eaten one...phew!

Christmas Morning was wonderful here...the man with the bag certainly delivered.

It was an iPhone Christmas for Tyler ...and Adam

I received the Prime Lens I had longed for since last Christmas...and it's a tradition in our house that Adam gets Maggie and I gift cards to the mall so that we can have a "Mother/Daughter After Christmas Day of Shopping" together. We started that last year and Maggie lives for it! I also got a Clarisonic Facial Cleanser thingy...love it. I just knew that as cold natured as I am, this would for sure be the year of the Snuggie...But this year for me could easily be referred to as "The year of the scarf"....I think I got 8...or 9...no joke. Where do I keep them? Hang? Drawer? Paid storage unit? Seriously, where do you keep yours? Any ideas would be appreciated greatly.

Hope ya'll had a wonderful Christmas too! :-)
"And whatever I do, may it always bring Glory to You"