"I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth." 3 John 1:4
Last week was one of those moments that I pray I never forget...no matter how much time goes by... "Lord please don't let me forget."
Aidan gave his heart and his life to Christ right in our living room floor. I'm no Theologian...and I don't pretend to have all the answers...but I truly feel that he grasps the Gospel to the fullest extent his 7 year old mind can...and that he loves Jesus and wants to follow after him with all he has. I feel that the older he gets he will begin to "grasp" it in new ways...on deeper levels...with a deeper understanding of mercy and grace and love.

That has been true in my life....I don't think there is a moment in which we "arrive" at some magical place of knowing and understanding all we possibly can about God...a God that spoke the Earth into existence...strung the stars across space...and is all knowing...all powerful. A God that is filled with so much mercy and grace that He looked down upon us...down into the depths of hopelessness and despair that we were in and saw beauty in the brokeness... and sacrificially...made a way out. Nope, I will never understand it...I do know that the more Grace and Mercy he extends to me when I make a complete mess of my life and possibly others...when I am completely undeserving...the more I begin to grasp His love for me. And for me, the only response I can have to that is to spend my days surrendering to His will for me...trying to be more like Him...allowing Him to use my life for His glory.
I believe that God "began a work" in my Aidan last week that he will be finishing as long as he allows him to live this side of Heaven. And I have "No Greater Joy" in knowing that my son...is now my brother in Christ.
I was reminded that this...not a spotless perfect house...not the perfect dress size (whatever the heck that is)...not perfect grades...not staying on schedule every day...not finishing our Math book by June...and only this...is the goal...
That my children may hear, grow, and walk in the truth.
"Lord please don't let me forget"

After Aidans baptism, we celebrated by hitting one of our favorite spots in town for lunch..."Larriviere's" ...we love the owners of this place and love their desserts even more! I would've taken pictures of their sinful "White Chocolate Bread Pudding" but...it was gone faster than I could break out my point and shoot. Speaking of...I didn't want to be worried about settings...and totally messing up...pictures of this day, so I brought along my little Canon Powershot SD960 Elph that I bought for the beach this Fall. I'm thinking that I just might be a camera snob....because I find it extremely hard to be pleased pictures that are not from my Rebel these days. In fact maybe it should have been stated on the packaging...WARNING: USING THIS CAMERA MAY CAUSE YOU TO NOT WANT TO USE ANY OTHER CAMERA...EVER!

(Photo by Aidan) ;-)
"And whatever I do, may it always bring glory to you"