I'm linking up with The Diaper Diaries TILT
This winter there are a few things that I will not...and cannot...live without...allow me to share. First of all this is THE best hand cream you are ever gonna find...trust me on this. I grew up in the South so when I spent a few years of my life living in the states of NY, MA, and PA...my poor hands said, "Wha?!?!" I had cracked skin so bad that they would bleed sometimes even! I believe it was a co-worker that turned me onto this stuff...and I haven't stopped using it since..not even when I came back to the South. :-)

From hands...to lips. This stuff is the stuff. Do yourself a favor...say so long to Chapstick and hello Burt's. Never tried their other lip products but there is something about this pomegranate oil that is just divine. Highly recommended!

Lips to....the rest of your body. I have very dry skin in the winter...I'm talking itching burning cracking peeling skin...hope you're not eating dinner while reading this. Bath and Body Works has a wonderful line of Body Creams that I cannot imagine not slathering on as soon as I get out of the shower..well, not as soon...I dry off first of course. My personal favorite is Japanese Cherry Blossom...a scent that can be a perfume if you forget to spray some on...or light enough to still wear your own special fragrance and not send the lady in the elevator with you into an asthma attack. Be sure you get BODY CREAM though...not just the lotion.

While I'm mentioning Bath and Body Works, I think it worth throwing these lovelies in as well...although I don't recommend applying them to any part of your body. :-) They are the "Wallflowers" plug in room scents. I usually use...you guessed it...Japanese Cherry Blossom...but right now I have a combo of 2 plugged in all over my house and it smells so darn good in here I almost never want to leave my house! Get yourself "Creamy Nutmeg" and "Cinnamon and Clove Bud"...each is perfect on their own I'm sure...but the mixture of the two is DIVINE! Like Christmas Trees, Cinnamon Apple Struesel, and Pumpkin/Vanilla all mixed together. In other words, Christmas.

That was all before I knew what real make-up could feel like...and look like. Yes, I know you have seen the infomercials at 3am...I saw them too. And seeing was not believing for me. BUT feeling was. I could go on and on about this make-up...but instead I will just tell you that what you see on the infomercials is a true representation of this make-up. And for some reason it seems expensive to most. But last year I took Christmas money and bought this starter kit for $60 I believe....I just went about 3 weeks to get more. Seriously. A little goes a LONG way with this stuff. And the best and most important part is the absolute change in my skin! I am cursed with adult acne...guess the fact that I thought dodging it in High School meant never worrying about it again was a false hope...and I still get blemishes here and there...but there has been a dramatic improvement since using this stuff. I highly recommend the starter kit to anyone looking for a new make-up...and anyone not.

"And whatever I do, may it always bring glory to you"