I was already dreading baking for a solid 10 of the 12 days of Christmas like I always do...you know, for the Sunday school teachers, the neighbors, the garbage man, the Recycling man woman....and the list goes on and on and on. And this year I even have a whole Worship team that I have to bribe bake for. So you can imagine how pleased I was to stumble upon this
suh-weeet little idea over at Darby's! Cinnamon Butter!!!!!
start by washing your jars...

Double the recipe and mix butter, cinnamon, honey, and powdered sugar

By clicking Darby's link above you will get the exact recipe. Which I followed to a tee. Mostly because the neurotic little voice in my head told me to...but also because I'm clueless about these things. It was so good I insisted asked my hubby to run to Publix to buy us some biscuits to go with it. Biscuits...Cinnamon butter...need I say more? Well, I might need to say Weight Watchers very soon.
I think that when I make my next batch this week I will either add another stick of butter...or decrease the honey. I'm not a huge honey fan...I like it but in small doses. Plus adding a whole 'nother stick of butter...that just might send my thighs over the edge.

Like Buttah!
"And whatever I do, may it always bring glory to you"