It is that time of year again.
Summer Break!
Whoo Hoo!!!
I'm a Homeschool mom of 3.
I get all kinds of excited about summer break.
My family has discovered that the best way to make the most of our time off is to make a Summer List.
A list of all the things we want to accomplish during this glorious time of sleeping in and no homework.
Call a family meeting and get to writing.
Nothing is off limits.
Dream big.
Be creative.
There are no bad ideas. (Notice "Say hi to a stranger" courtesy of the 9 year old)
The cheaper the better.
Making memories does not have to mean going broke.
In fact it is usually the little things that kids love and remember the most.
Notice "Tickle Monster" made the cut again this year.
2.Dad cooks fancy meal. {He's a Culinary Institute of America graduate}
5.Watch Sunset
6.Treat Tuesdays {Baskin Robins has $1 scoops on Tuesday nights}
7.Farmer's Market
9.Play in the Rain
10.Take the Train Downtown
13.Walk to Movies
15.Unplugged Day {yep, no phones, no tv, no}
16.Visit Amish
17.Go to Creek
18.Make a Fort in Living Room
19.Dessert for Dinner
21.Sounds Game {Minor League Baseball}
22.Yard Sale for Mission Trips
23.Lemonade Stand
24.Las Paletas {Gourmet Mexican Popsicles Downtown}
25.Play Hide & Seek in the House
26.Family Mailbox {a mailbox in the house that we can write letters and messages to each other and place inside}
27.Eat at Earl G. Dumplings {the name says it all I cooking like your grandma's kitchen}
28.Paint on Canvases
29.Make Chalkboard in Kitchen
31.Hoola Hoop Contest
32.Water Balloon Fight
33.Stay Up All Night
35.Just Dance Party
36.Tickle Monster {all you need is dad, the kids, and a lot of screaming and running through the house and you have tickle monster}
37.Donut Saturdays
38.Play in Mud
39.Eat at The Biscuit House
40.Visit Puckett's Grocery
41.Say "hi" to a stranger
42.Mom/Dad Dates {one on one dates with mom and dad}
43.Read Aloud
44.Make Popsicles
Here is a link to our 2011 Summer List.
We pulled it out this year and it felt so good to look back and see all the things that we accomplished last year simply because we made a point to be intentional with our time.
**I want to be sure to give credit where credit is due.
Meg is the Summer List queen.
Seriously...check out her list from 2011.

"My every mortal breath, is Grace and nothing less"