Every year Meg and her family make a Summer List.
And every year I say we are going to do the same...and we never do.
This year we did.
In fact we were so inspired by Meg's Summer List that we stole a couple of her ideas.
I pray she takes my obvious lack of integrity as the great compliment it was meant to be.
Call a family meeting.
Get out pen and paper.
Get creative.
The cheaper the better.
Fun does not have to break the bank.
In fact it does not have to cost one red cent!
I love that one of the things my kids wanted on their list was for their dad to play "tickle monster" with them. A game he used to play quite frequently with them as younger kiddos but they seemed to have outgrown. Guess not. ;-)
Personalize it for your family.
Dream big.
Such a fun way to be intentional with the 8 short weeks we are given to enjoy.
A way to look back at your summer and know you accomplished at least some of the things you really wanted to do as a family.
We were able to mark two of our items off just this weekend.
So...what are you waiting for?!?!
**Unplugged Day- an entire day without any type of electronic or hand held device. Tv included. (Our kids requested this..."and a little child shall lead them")
**Shipley Saturdays- Fresh donuts...every Saturday morning. :-)
**Treat Tuesday- The kids and I will try a new dessert recipe together every Tuesday. {Between this and Shipley Saturday I may need to add "attend a Weight Watchers meeting" to my list}
**Craft Thursday- Get messy and creative with an Art project each Tuesday.
**Write letters- Pick one person each week and all three kids write to that person. An actual pen on paper...honest to goodness...old fashioned...lick it...stamp it... LETTER! Imagine that.
Linking up with:
Tatertots and Jello
Mingle Monday
"My every mortal breath, is Grace and nothing less"