Nick and Bo
On a side note:
Thank you Jesus for giving me Fall Break just in the nick of time...... :-)"And whatever I do, may it always bring glory to you"
Nick and Bo
On a side note:
Thank you Jesus for giving me Fall Break just in the nick of time...... :-)I most certainly did NOT go camping on a Monday and come back wearing the same shirt Friday! That would be gross and I would simply never let myself go like that! (although if by chance I did ever decide to do such a thing, I would feel totally better about it after seeing a shirt in a camping store this weekend that read "Same shirt, Different Day"....but of course I read it and thought "eewww...who would do such a thing?" :-)
Nor did I take a bike ride while the kids were fishing with dad and NOT wear my helmet because I didn't want to mess up my hair.....that would make me a big fat hypocrite! ( I did shower....I just DID NOT keep putting the same shirt back on to keep the laundry to a minimum)
I did not wake up freezing every night in the RV and tell myself that somehow devouring an entire Hershey bar would warm me up.....
I didn't forget that we couldn't put our toilet paper in the RV toilet (it wasn't the biodegradable kind) only to have to fish it out with a plastic fork....serioulsy that is disgusting!
When I got home from camping, I DID NOT throw everything I would need for Gatlinburg into laundry baskets because I was too lazy to put it in suitcases.
I did not sit in a line at Starbucks for 5 whole minutes ,just staring & waiting for someone to take my order, only to realize that I was simply parked in front of one of their advertisement signs....the "place your order" thingy was about 15 feet up.....I am convinced they were laughing at me!
I did not manage to eat an entire bag of trail mix in 2 days all by myself...
I did not drink way too much coffee for breakfast, get on a one way, one lane, site seeing Parkway, and have to pee behind a historical cabin....
It most certainly was NOT me that put my folded up "wet" paper in my jean pocket because I felt way too guilty about throwing tissue under the historical little cabin in the woods (like other excessive coffee drinkers obviously had) ...I am seriously starting to wonder what type of person would actually do this....
I did not gun my car at the red light coming home because the lane was about to end and the little lady next to me just "looked" like she would go too slow for me....I mean really, what kind of discriminating person would do that???
And I know for sure.....without a doubt.....that it simply could NOT have been me that stepped on the scale this morning to see a 5 pound gain in one week!!!!
"And whatever I do, may it always bring glory to you"
"heels clicking" word, what a week for a homebody like myself! I have spent 5 days "roughing it" in a 30 ft. RVwith the husband and our 3 amazing kiddos (having an absolute blast and eating my weight in smores might I add).....and the past 2 days trying not to slide off of a mountainside and running from hungry twinkie jonesin' bears in Gatlingburg!.....did I mention that I was locked up in a cabin with 4 other females in my immediate family??? Mom, sister, aunt, and that I am thinking about it, could the bears have really been that bad??? Estrogen X 5???? Hungry bears???? Hmmmm.......
I have tons and tons of pics to share from both getaways but right now I am super duper pooped! Remind me to tell you about our "dumping" experience (straight out of the movie RV) I totally self-prophesy this stuff I tell you! Sort of like the time we were sitting at the beach and I randomly spout out, "I wonder what you would do if you really did see a shark out there?" guessed hour later, bullshark... 10 ft out in water! I really should keep my mouth shut....
And I will be sure to tell you about being held up in a cabin by humanized bears for 2 days.....
Anyhoo, kids survived my absence (all teeth and bones still in tact!), Adam practically bought a new truck in my absence (and is well on his way now to an RV to pull behind this new 4 wheeled, 1/2 ton, friend he found......and one of my freakishly large poodles decided to get "stomach issues" just in time to welcome me home tonight....wasn't that nice?
Ahhh....there's no place like home!
"And whatever I do, may it always bring glory to you"
The gang and Chang
photography by Mag...she'll throw in cutting off of head free of charge!
my little "noodles"
The 10 minute Spiderman
Seriously....are there really any words???
"And whatever I do, may it always bring glory to you"
So I have been on here now for over an hour.....the intention? To post about our Field Trip today.....what happened? I have been distracted reading this amazing blog.. ....I am so gonna steal some of this ladies ideas....I could just read and read all night!
Anyhoo, back to the field, after our regular schoolwork, we drove down to Nashville to visit the Recycle Center of Davidson County....I know I know, sounds super boring! I thought so fact I almost talked myself out of going a few times but I am really glad that I didn't. It was very educational and the kids had a blast playing a game of "try to figure out what this used to be".....and it reminded me of how we used to be so faithful to recycle when we lived in PA....where did our loyalty to "green" come from? Obviously it just came from the fact that a truck came around and picked it up curbside for us because once we moved here to TN, we have not recycled one iota (is that really a word??? I'm thinking probably not) of anything!
So it got me to thinking of just how many water bottles we go through in a least 24 and usually more.....we get the Sunday paper and just toss it! When did we get so lazy???
So my friend was telling me that there is a recycle pick up in our city, it just costs $11 a month....I'm thinking, I'm in! Now, I can throw it out curbside again and not feel guilty about trashing the Earth! Wrong! I go to the website and it says "no longer taking new customers"....WHAT??? So what do I do now with all of this "green" guilt I have????? And lets not even mention the "speech" I gave my kids on the way home about "doing our small part"....Are you telling me that I will now have to collect all this crap and then make a trip to somewhere ( I don't even know yet where) to dump it just to save face with my kids????? Yep! That is exactly what I am gonna have to do! Because my kids seriously have elephant DNA mixed in there somewhere....they don't forget ANYTHING you tell them! Plus how can I deprive my sweet Aidan of the joy of seeing that his empty yogurt cups can someday become his toothbrush??? (That just tickled the snot out of that kid!) He and Mag really got into it today....Aidan, who is not usually very prone to approach and talk to other adults, was all over the recycle lady asking her about the things he was finding on his list....he was fascinated! And Maggie was fact I could barely get her to be still long enough to snap a picture of her! Notice the silver purse to the right of her??? Can you guess what that is made of? You guessed it, soda can tabs!
Karate Kids...
Last night we attended Karate graduation for all three of the kids.....they were each becoming Gold Belts! Whooo Hooo! We are so proud of them....this has been something they have each just devoured in interest and in goal setting. As Mr. Deaton (owner and founder....and 8th degree Black Belt) talked to the audience, I was so blessed to hear him speak so openly about being a Christian! We knew he was, but it was so refreshing to see someone sit in a crowd of people with diverse backgrounds and I'm sure beliefs, and so boldly proclaim his Heavenly Father! Next become orange belts within 8 weeks! Here they are with David Deaton after graduation....come on, sing it with me...."I am a man, who will fight for your honor"....