There is so much I could say about my marriage...but I feel I said it all when I wrote The Story of Us.
A not so pretty story about a very broken guy and gal, a very broken marriage, and a God who heals and restores.
A story of Redemption.
Annivertiquing: An-ni-ver-tiqu-ing [an-uh-vur-teek-ing]

A story of Redemption.
Annivertiquing: An-ni-ver-tiqu-ing [an-uh-vur-teek-ing]
1.Celebrating your wedding anniversary by spending the an entire weekend perusing the delicious lovelies of days gone by.
2.Pure bliss.
3.Heaven.'s what we do.
Every year.

This past weekend we celebrated 13 years of marriage.
13 years of saying yes to a promise made.
13 years of divorce is not an option.
13 years of growing old together.
{Gosh...isn't 2nd Avenue gorgeous? I heart Nashville}

This was the 6th year straight that we celebrated at The Melting Pot.
Can I just stop right here and say that my man may never be hotter than when he has a fondue fork in his hand?!
Fabulous food...romantic

Yin and Yang...our favorite chocolate fondue.
Quite fitting for us I do believe.
There will be chocolate fondue in Heaven ya'll.
I think I read that somewhere in 2 Chronicles.

After a night of dunking fat enough on their own desserts in a hot tub of chocolate, we set out on a mission to get our antique on.
One of the first things I discovered was this 4 piece Pyrex set in nearly mint condition.
Had the original box even.
It was 85 bucks blood runs a little too thrifty for that.

We've come a long way ladies.
If only I had a vintage breast pump collection.

This wedding gown took my breath away.
All I could think was, "Rose Dawson."

I nearly fell over when I looked up and saw this gorgeous thing hanging on the wall.
Suddenly I was 15, sitting in Mr. Peter's Geography class.
I wanted this piece soooo badly.
I'm a
Again though, pricey.
It does however still beg me to come and rescue it every time I look at it, so who knows.

We ended the day by hanging out at Puckett's Grocery Store in Lieper's Fork.
I could write a whole post on how amazing this place is.
It has been around since 1953.
Ridiculously good food and live music every night.
And there is still a real grocery store in the back.
Did I mention they have Chess Pie like my Grandma Margaret used to make?!
They told us that Trishia Yearwood had just been in the week before filming a cooking special for Food Network.
As neat as that was, all I could think was Shhhh!!...don't tell anybody about this place!
Apparently I'm stingy like that when chess pie is involved.

Thanks to my mom and step-dad, we were able to have two full days together alone.
It was fabulous.
I love this man with everything I've got.
Looking forward to 13 more.
"Grow old along with me!
The best is yet to be,
The last of life, for which the first was made:
Our times are in His hand
Who saith "A whole I planned,
Youth shows but half; trust God: see all, nor be afraid!''
-Robert Browning
"My every mortal breath, is Grace and nothing less"