He loves me more than my father.
He loves me more than my husband.
He thinks I'm beautiful even though on the inside I am so very ugly.
He thinks I am perfect even though I see so many flaws.
He does not remember a single thing I have done in my past to disappoint Him.
He does not give up on me when it takes what seems like forever to understand what He is teaching me.
He does not get offended or hold a grudge when I do things my way instead of His.
He knew that He would face a brutal death, at the mercy of beaming faces, just to save my life.
He knew it would take 21 years of pursuing me before I would fully accept His love.
He found me to be worth it all.
how deep his love is." Ephesians 3:18
"But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners." Romans 5:8
May you know His love today.
Happy Valentines Day!

"My every mortal breath, is Grace and nothing less"