Adam and I will be officially celebrating 10 years of marriage February 5th! Unofficially, we celebrated this past weekend with a little getaway into the city. We have this thing that we do where we take turns every year planning a little something special....this was prompted many years back when we both tried to plan surprises and we both ended up ruining the others now we just take turns and it works very well I must say! This year was Adams turn (although as we talked over dinner I discovered that I end up with some whammies in the future our 15th and our 25th! He will have to top '25' with '50' though so I guess all is fair in love... ;-)
We started the evening with dinner plans at a little piece of heaven on Earth "The Melting Pot". I knew we had reservations but I had no idea the work Adam had put into it all....when we were seated, I was greeted by a bouquet of fresh flowers and a card at the table. The card was specially printed inside with the script I put inside Adams wedding band 10 years ago...."Grow old with me, the best is yet to come." Then I was surprised at the end of the meal with our picture specially taken and framed for was really nice. Our meal was amazing...and I suppose it doesn't hurt to have a husband with a Bachelors in Culinary to cook all of that wonderful food for you! Unlike the poor unsuspecting college kids double dating at the booth next to us...we almost had to stick around longer just to watch those poor boys get their raw food set down in front of them....hate that we missed that! do you put into words pure chocolate bliss??? There are no words in my opinion....a plate of rice krispy treats, oreo covered marshmallows, bananas, strawberries, and cheesecake desserts brought out with a hot bowl of chocolate for dipping....I like to think there is a Melting Pot on every corner in Heaven!

But, as if a night away, flowers, and pots of chocolate weren't enough...Adam had one more surprise up his sleeve....THIS!!!

I am still simply beside myself...this is by far the most treasured gift I have ever received from my husband....not because it is breathtakingly didn't think I didn't notice that did ya????...but because of the thought that went into it. He gets me. And I love him for that.
I am still amazed at all God has accomplished through our marriage....and forever grateful that He was there ready to meet us in our brokeness...we simply would not be here 10 years later without Him.
Happy 10 years Adam!!! I love you in a deeper way than I ever knew I could....see you at 50 years baby!!!!
Recognize these two???? Freezing our bums off in a castle in Ireland on our honeymoon????
I love you! ;-)

"And whatever I do, may it always bring glory to you"