I finally finished my Fall Mantle.
I really wanted a tall, empty, wooden frame to add some height on the left.
Realistically, it probably won't happen this year.
So I'm gonna enjoy it as is.
Happy Fall Ya'll.
"My every mortal breath, is Grace and nothing less"
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Fall Mantle 2012 {Burlap and Bandanna Pennant}
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
InstaFriday...on Tuesday

I took this picture at the Nashville flea market a while back. It was on the front of a magazine. I still have no idea what it was for..I just wanted to remember it.
The doors.
The words.

Thanks to The Fresh 20 I am whipping up some of the finest, healthiest grub ever to grace my kitchen.
All fresh ingredients.
No processed food.
No frozen food.
If you knew me...you would know how huge this whole dairy free/cooking with zero processed foods thing is.
Ok, ok...so if you really know me...and some of you do, so I can't lie...it's equally huge that I'm cooking...period.
I hate to cook.
I do it, but it intimidates me, therefore I hate it.
This would be why I married a man with a Bachelor's degree from The Culinary Institute of America folks.
This time though, momma is cooking.
Scouts honor.

We have had major tummy issues around here.
Dairy/processed food free eating has truly changed everything.
Every time I put this food on the table, they start looking around like they are waiting for someone...I think they may be looking for the coming of Jesus.
My teenager said I should go on Chopped.

We've battled the funk recently.
Landed my youngest here with an ear infection.
Poor kid has had bad ears his whole life.
Two sets of tubes.
I love how our Pediatric office has murals of foreign countries on the wall.
Because pretending you are at the Pyramids in Egypt just makes everything better in life I guess.

I found this "Friendship Quilt" while thrifting.
I can't stop thinking about it.
Covered in squares with heartfelt messages from across the country.
Each square a different person.
A different state.
A different message of love.
Dates ranging from 1931-1932
A gift more than a year in the making.
I love that one square was from "Mother"...and it has the cutest heart on it.
I just can't get over the love and time put into this.
Did they mail it to each other till completion?
Did the recipient feel like the most loved gal in the world??
Was it a new bride??
We don't give gifts like this today.
I may just have to go back and buy it.

LIFE is a favorite family night game in our house.
My teenager especially loves to kick my tail in this game.
During a recent game, I looked down and saw this.
Couldn't help but think that Dave Ramsey would not approve of my lifestyle.

It may look like it came out of a baby diaper, but I declare, my smoothies are so dang good ya'll.

Because every little brother that has a big sister will eventually inherit her bike and get ahold of it with a can of spray paint.

He wanted "mud brown"...go figure.

A person with ADD would have been totally distracted by this little guy.
Snapping pictures with their phone and everything.
Phew...so glad that's not me.

Our church has a ministry called TFL "Tailgate For Life" (a spin in our church name).
Each Tennessee Titans home game, a large group of moms, dads, and kids head down to the parking lot before the game to serve up FREE hot dogs and burgers.
Folks are invited to grab a chair, eat, chat, or play corn hole.
If they choose they can hang around for a time of devotion...if not they can leave with full bellies.
My boys love to participate in this.

I took this picture out of my second floor bedroom window this week.
Fall has arrived in Tennessee.
How about where you are?
Are the leaves turning yet?
Already gone?

"My every mortal breath, is Grace and nothing less"
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
How to Decorate With Seasonal Kids Art
We are on fall break this week which leaves me with a little time on my hands to decorate the house for fall.
I big puffy heart love fall ya'll.
I keep a tote or two or five for each season and the decorations that go with it.
When the kids make any type of artwork that goes with that particular season...I usually keep it in that box.
Yesterday while pilfering through fall boxes, I found Fall/Thanksgiving artwork I have saved over the past years.
I never know what to do with it.
I used to stick it all on my kitchen cabinets but now that my cabinets are painted, I'm afraid to adhere anything onto them.
So I had the genius idea..and by genius I mean people have probably been doing this forever and I just now thought of it...of putting them up on a small wall in my kitchen...gallery style.
No measuring required.
No stressing over what goes where.
Just grab the Scotch tape and slap it up.
It's my way.
Turkeys made from hands...that still had fat dimpled fingers.
Paper chains of "gratitude".
Construction paper pilgrims.
This wall makes me happy.
I cannot wait to do the same thing for Christmas.
I keep everything my kids make.
It's bad.
I just can't seem to throw it into a garbage can when their little hands made it.
I may be on hoarders one day...making a walking path through piles of construction paper.
How about you?
Do you save your kid's art?
Pick through and keep your favorites?
Have a system for saving that you could share?
"My every mortal breath, is Grace and nothing less"
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Because Sometimes Real Life Comes Before Blogging
Sometimes life...real life...needs me more.
Sometimes the ever changing needs and seasons of children growing up requires more time...more attention.
Sometimes God opens new doors and brings new opportunities...and they need more time...more attention.
And in the chaos of trying to be everything to everyone...I only manage to feel like I am failing at all of it.
I needed to be reminded.
I blog because moment by moment, memories are being made...and I want to remember...not be remembered.
I blog because I want to capture every moment I am given with my children...not capture an audience. {If I do...I am truly grateful...but not the goal}
I blog because clocks tick without permission, memories scramble in my mind with age, their faces change, their voices change, they grow taller and taller and I cannot stop any of it...only purge every detail here while I still remember.
I blog because every now and again, He gives me something to say...and I am to be obedient in sharing.
I see things like "stats" and "hits" growing...
My inbox fills with offers to write and promote and join...and I am tempted to please the masses...
Maybe I should this...or maybe I should that...I could do this to draw more...or I could start doing that to make my blog more....
Please do not get me wrong or take anything I am saying out of context.
I am so grateful for every momma blogger out there that is able to consistently blog or make a career out of blogging.
I have formed some of the most precious, genuine friendships through the community of bloggers.
My life is all the better because of their willingness to share their wisdom and engage with their readers.
Not to mention my decor.
But so often I have to be reminded...this is not what He has asked of me in this season of my life.
It is not the calling He has placed on me.
It is not to be my focus.
Tonight...my house is in order...His blessing is on this...it is time.
So forgive me as I break the golden rules of blogging...1) apologizing for being absent so long 2) sharing way too many pictures. 3) writing more than a couple of paragraphs 4) confessing how much I have missed sharing my mindless ramblings with you all. :)
This.....this is why...in this season of my life....I blog.....

Because there are moments I catch a glimpse of my daughter's faith...and it takes my breath away.

Because my youngest child turned double digits...and requests cupcakes and orange juice for breakfast...and I oblige because he is my baby. Poor kid...he doesn't have a clue that I'm never gonna let him leave.

Because even though he's double digits...he still falls asleep in my lap...and I never want to move.

Because my four legged child likes to lay on the air vents...and take them with him. We call this Bo's bling.

Because we make a summer list...and check things off.

Because even at 36 you're not too old to wear braces...again.

Because this exact view has been a yearly tradition for the past 9 years.

Because the kids are older now...and we get to sip our coffee on the beach at sunrise...alone.

Because sometimes...if I'm lucky...a seagull flies into my frame...at just the right time.

Because there is never a dull moment with these three.

Because hot cocoa at The Donut Hole is also tradition.

Because having a teenager means having date night at the beach. ::please refrain from all metal mouth jokes::

Because sometimes they aren't looking...and I catch them...having fun...together.

Because I catch my 12 year old daughter reading Kisses From Katie...for the second time...and I feel terrified/excited/happy/humbled/inspired/terrified...all at the same time.

Because I find a picture of said 12 year old on Instagram and the air is sucked from my chest because I see the stunning young woman she is becoming.

Because she paints things like this...and I think...how on earth did such a talented, passionate, artistic, being ever come from my DNA???

Because we are homeschooling through high school...and Advanced Biology is a beast.

Because my 16 year old gets to do cool things like cadaver labs {yes, real cadavers} at Lipscomb University...followed by lunch dates with mom at Chipotle.

Because at 36 I've not only decided to correct what my 12 year old non-retainer wearing self did to 3 years of orthodontia...but I've also decided to radically change the way we eat in our home.

Because a new way of eating means a new kind of date night. Healthy is sexy.

Because 7th grade leaf collections lead to roaming the lake with my kiddos...at sunset.

Because a spontaneous trip to the flea market leads to super duper cheap vintage finds.

Because summer fades...and gives way to fall...and that means camping on the lake. And pumpkin butter.

Because fall is not complete without our annual LCA {homeschool tutorial} camping trip.

Because some friendships started in the 2nd grade...and are still going strong.

Because every fall we take part in the Junior Docent program at The Hermitage...home of President Andrew Jackson.
Because he is the only kid I have left that does not think he is too cool.

Because every now and then...I get lucky enough to capture a moment like this.
Tyler and his sheepish grin.
Maggie and her infectious smile.
And Aidan...my one of a kind Aidan... being one of a kind Aidan.
Because one day...they will be grown and gone {I will have no choice but to get a lap dog}...and this is all I will have left.
This is why I blog.
Remind me.

"My every mortal breath, is Grace and nothing less"
Posted by Talysa at 12:46 AM View Comments
Labels: Aidan, Blogging, Camping, Clean Eating, fabulous finds, Faith, Fall, Family, Field Trips, Four legged Family, Homeschooling, Maggie, Motherhood, Summer List, Transparency, Tyler, Vacations