When she was 11, we had the talk...you know, the birds and the bees...S-E-X.
I survived. She survived.
After discussing the science and mechanics of it all, I knew as a believer, that wasn't going to be enough. I would have to take it a step further. She needed to understand His glorious design for all the crazy things happening to her body. His beautiful purpose for sex within marriage. I knew she would have to know her worth...her value in God's eyes.
If not, this world would eat her alive.
I introduced her to the concept of purity and my desire to take her away for a weekend to discuss it in depth.
She looked at me like I had no less than 3 heads, so I told her to just let me know when she felt she might be interested in learning more...and we left it at that.
She is now 13, and recently she let me know that she was ready.
I ordered Passport 2 Purity, booked a hotel in Nashville, and spent 3 glorious days eating copious amounts of Chipotle and sour gummy worms in bed with my girl.
We hit the vending machine, and the day old lobby coffee, more times than I care to mention.
It was a total blast.
I won't go into all the details out of respect for her privacy, but I do want to share my love for this program.
I am super picky about how I approach this stuff with my kids.
I do not want them to be turned off to the truth of God's word simply because I picked a hokey method in which to do so.
I've seen Christian curriculum, that although well meaning, I myself have a hard time reading, never mind expecting my teenagers to be able to relate.
I'm sorry, but I just don't think, "you shouldn't have sex until you are married" is enough. In fact, the statistics prove it's not.
Did you know that 80% of single Christians will not wait until they are married to have sex?
Let's face it...the stuff our kids are facing is tough. Brutal even. They are bombarded sexually left and right. They need to hear about the hard stuff. And they need to hear it from you, mom and dad.
I was so stinkin' impressed with Passport 2 Purity and how relevant the content was.
The activities for each session were the highlight of the program according to my "hands-on" learner.
They were fun...but most importantly, they were applicable to what she had just learned.
I may have nearly died of embarrassment...at least twice. And I am pretty sure that when I get to heaven, I will be receiving an extra jewel in my crown.
In fact, I'm counting on it.

What a precious time spent with my beautiful girl...laughing, crying, and talking about the really. hard. stuff. that she will face in life.

We wrapped up our weekend with a little antiquing in Historic downtown Franklin.
I raised her right.

And a purity ring.

I pray this was a weekend that she never forgets. I know I won't.
Talk to your children about their purity. Equip them with the power of 'decisions made' before they find themselves in situations they can't handle.
Think you can't afford it? You can't afford not to.
Think you don't have time? Make time.
You won't regret it. :)
Family Life is offering a special discount to my readers. Go to their website and enter the code P2PMOMS to receive a 20% discount on all Passport 2 Purity products.
* Just a head's up. We choose not to promote "dating" {in the typical sense} in our home so when we came to the last section titled "Crossing the Date Line," I only used the things that applied to our family's goals. You can personalize this program to meet your needs if you listen ahead of time.**
** I did not receive compensation for my opinion or endorsement of this product. Family Life did not ask me to review this product. I believed in it so much, that I asked them if they would offer a discount to my readers and they obliged. :)
"My every mortal breath, is Grace and nothing less"